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Dazie. A children’s session among wildflowers & fields on a private farm in York, Pennsylvania.

This is the third time that I have had the honor of photographing Dazie for her birthday.  She’s turning 5 this year!  Each time she becomes more and more comfortable with having her photo taken.  And it is so much fun seeing how she changes from year to year.  Thankfully Dazie and her Aunt were very flexible and were able to accommodate a last minute change in time so that we could squeeze in these photos before a thunderstorm rolled through.  Boy am I ever glad they were able to make it work because the incoming storm clouds contributed to some awesome photos at the end of the session!

I’m sure that you’ll be able to tell from the photos that Dazie is one fun-loving, energetic kid and I always have fun photographing her.  She also learned a new vocabulary word this time around: frolic.  Something that she does very well.

Dazie had just performed at her dance recital the night before and per her request we took some photos of her in her costume. I did my fair share of ballet, jazz, and tap when I was a kid(my super sweet rhythm on the dance floor had to come from somewhere), and I can say with some confidence that the outfits have not changed much in 20+ years.  There are a number of some semi-embarrassing photos of me and my older sister in our super sweet costumes.  Dazie performed her dance(s) for me numerous times throughout the session and we were able to get some pretty cool shots amongst the wild daisies and fields on the farm before the storm hit.


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