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The Christs. A lifestyle session at home in Sykesville, Maryland and a short jaunt to a sunflower field.

Surely I can’t be the only one that thinks most babies look like 80 year old men and women shrunken down into little human nugget form?  No, just me then?  I mean that in the most adorable way possible.  I think it’s just the varied facial expressions that makes me think that.  Alright, maybe I’m starting to get off track while explaining myself…sixth month old Everett is one adorable little nugget with the occasional old-man expression(emphasis on adorable), and I had the pleasure of photographing him at home with his loving parents.

It was meal-time when I arrived and I think little Everett was slightly suspicious of the stranger pointing a camera in his direction whilst he was trying to eat.  Once he finished, it was time to pop him out of his bumbo chair except he was stuck.  His meaty baby thighs had him wedged in there pretty good and it was hilarious!  He hadddd…Dumps like a truck, truck, truck.  Thighs like what, what, what.  All night long…

After getting cleaned up from meal-time, we hung around in Everett’s beautifully adorned nursery and outside on their deck to get some more family shots.  We finished up the session for this trio at a sunflower field a farmer had planted right around the corner from their home.  Pretty clutch I’d say!  It was a first for me, being able to shoot in a sunflower field, but hopefully not the last!


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