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Alison. A portrait session amongst the blooms of early spring.

“I caught my reflection in a spoon while I was eating my cereal, and I remember thinking: wow, you’re ridiculously good looking, maybe you could do that for a career.”

What can I say I have a very beautiful friend.  So what do you do when you have some places you want to shoot but have no one to photograph?  You call on said beautiful friend for assistance.  I know what you’re going to say when you look through the photos–‘oh my god, is she maybe secretly a super model?!’

Dissolving into uncontrollable laughter made up approximately 90% of the time we were shooting photos. He Ha Ha! Muah haha!  For most people I think the natural reaction to my ridiculous verbal direction or complete lack thereof is laughter.  Even I cannot believe some of the weird one-liners that come out of my mouth.  I cannot, however, take credit for the quote above since that is definitely pulled directly from Zoolander.  A most appropriate reference for the levels of silliness that ensued.

At one point there were two women walking at the park where we were taking photos and one remarked: “Oh my gosh, are you having your senior photos taken?!”
::commence boisterous laughter::
Making Alison and me feel pret-ty good about the aging process. We are just a BIT older than high school seniors.

I give you the Super Senior portraits:


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